
Tuesday, December 28, 2010

#22. Gunfighter Ballads and Trail Songs - Marty Robbins (1959)

I had no idea that Marty Robbins was so influential when it came to country & western music. The Marty Robbins I remember wore cheesy Elvis jumpsuits and pushed his Greatest Hits LPs (and 8-tracks) on late night TV. I have no idea why I so vividly remember the commercial for this, but that's how I know the song "El Paso City."

Apparently, 20 years before the jumpsuits, he was a very legitimate singer/songwriter. And, I had no idea that "El Paso City" was a sequel to the hit "El Paso." Very sneaky, Mr. Robbins.

Anyway, I'm not a huge fan of country/western music. I like Johnny Cash and Willie Nelson, but a lot of this stuff just tends to sound the same. Cowboy walks into a bar (or saloon), sees a girl, sees the guy the girl is with, shoots guy, goes to jail, dies by hanging. I didn't hate this album, but I honestly only remember 1 or 2 songs without looking at the track listing.

I should note that he did win a Grammy® in 1960 for Best Country & Western Recording for the song "El Paso."

Favorite Tracks: "El Paso," "They're Hanging Me Tonight" and "Big Iron"

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